Sunday, July 25, 2010

100% British Oi!

Artist: Various
Title: 100% British Oi!
Release: 1997
Label: Captain Oi! Records

Track List:
Disc 1
1. ABH - Don't Mess With the SAS
2. Angelic Upstarts - Victory in Poland
3. Anti-Establishment- 1980's
4. Anti-Social - Official Hooligan
5. Attak- Today's Generation
6. Barbed Wire - The Age that Didn't Care
7. Blitz - Warriors
8. The Blood - Such Fun
9. The Burial - Friday Night
10. The Business - Product
11. Cockney Rejects - Beginning of the End
12. Cock Sparrer - Chip on My Shoulder
13. Combat 84 - Poseur
14. Condemned 84- Oi! Ain't Dead
15. Crack - Going Out
16. Fighting the System - Criminal Class
17. Crux - C. I. A.
18. Ejected - Have You Got 10p?
19. 5ive-O - Dr. Crippins
20. The 4-Skins - Sorry

Disc 2
1. Gonads - Jobs Not Jails
2. The Guttersnipes - Addicted to Love
3. Infa-Riot - Riot Riot
4. Intensive Care - Ghost Town
5. The Last Resort - Resort Bootboys
6. Menace - Screwed Up
7. The Oppressed - White Flag
8. The Partisans - 17 Years of Hell
9. Peter & The Test Tube Babies - Up Yer Bum
10. Prole - Generation Landslide
11. Red Alert - Take No Prisoners
12. Section-5 - For the Love of Oi!
13. Sham 69 - Borstal Breakout
14. Skin Deep - Football Violence
15. Slaughter & The Dogs - Situations
16. Splodgenessabounds - Pathetique
17. Strike - Skinhead
18. Subculture - Loud & Clear
19. Vicious Rumors - Anytime Day or Night
20. The Warriors - Horror Show

I'm not really a big oi fan. That doesn't mean I don't like what I've heard. It's just that where I'm from it's a pretty underrepresented subgenre of punk so it's not something I'm exposed to that often. As such I've never really made much of an effort to really delve in too deep into the world of shaved heads and boots (I'm more of a long hair indoor desk job kind of guy anyways). This compilation seems like as good a place to start as any based on what little I know.

I can't really comment on whether or not this compilation good. I mean I like it, but aside from Sham 69 there isn't anything else on here that I've heard more than a few songs of. And outside of this compilation the only oi band I've really heard is On File. I know how annoying it is when someone who knows next to nothing about a type of music that is important to you starts singing the praises of thoroughly mediocre bands that play that type of music and when asked don't know any of the genre defining bands. I think I'd run the risk of being that guy when it comes to oi. So I'll just say this, as someone who knows little about oi this is a pretty cool compilation. Big fans of oi may or may not like it, but they probably already know about it anyways.

Download: 100% British Oi! Disc 1 (LAME 3.98r V0) Multiupload

Download: 100% British Oi! Disc 1 (LAME 3.98r V0) Mediafire

Download: 100% British Oi! Disc 2 (LAME 3.98r V0) Multiupload

Download: 100% British Oi! Disc 2 (LAME 3.98r V0) Mediafire

World Class Punk (reissue)

Artist: Various
Title: World Class Punk (reissue)
Release: 1998
Label: ROIR Records

Track List:
1. E.A.T.E.R - Kriget Vancinne
2. What? - Campbells Sign
3. The Zero Point - Working Class Zero
4. Hova-Lett Nagyfero Bikini - Come of It
5. Ratos de Porao - Parasita
6. Solucion Mortal - Ni un Amigo
7. Herpes Distress - Mozak
8. Slips n' Sperma - Caos Final
9. Akutt Innleggelse - Klasse
10. Nervose - Detournement
11. Zyklome - Scapegoats
12. Dezerta - Spytaj Milicjanta
13. BGK - Gone Mad
14. Mottek - Eine Neue Nacht
15. Cheetah Chrome Motherfuckers - HC Music
16. A-64 - Moment
17. Exile in the Kingdom - Freedom
18. Purrkurr Pillnikk - Surprise
19. Warriors of the Last Days - Under the Sun
20. Grisen Skriker - Dansa
21. Deja Voodoo - Jungle Out There
22. Copulation - Quicklime
23. Villa 21 - In the Darkened Night
24. Pop Guns - Shock Time for Rock
25. K4 - Six Million
26. Sort Sol - Boy/Girl
27. The Bastards - Liian Monta Turhaa Sotaa

More on this later.

Download: World Class Punk (reissue) (LAME 3.98r V0) Multiupload

Download: World Class Punk (reissue) (LAME 3.98r V0) Mediafire


Artist: Various
Title: SHORT,FAST+LOUD! vol.#1
Release: 2000
Label: Slap A Ham Records

Track List:
1. Aftermath - Loyalty Oath
2. B.S.E. - What's Worse?
3. Catheter - Slain and Broken
4. Dataclast - Strategic Intertext
5. Daybreak - Romulan Boarding Party
6. Dead Nation - What Are You gonna Do About It?
7. Despite - Crust
8. Discordia - Segregacion
9. Dread 101 - Predestination
10. Dumbstruck - 180 Degrees
11. El Nudo - Hate and Hate
12. Entropia - Assunizone
13. Existench - Cleanse
14. Fetus Eaters - Father Howard
15. Goat Shanty - Thirteen
16. In Control - Crash and Burn
17. Insult - Let's Give Emo Something to Cry About
18. Iron Lung - Pushing Life
19. Kontortion - Boxed In / Closed Off
20. Lana Dagales - Instrumental
21. Life in a Burn Clinic - Unsilence
22. Life's Halt - Take It to the Heart
23. Mouthbreather - Pandemic
24. Mukeka di Rato - Mickey
25. Otophobia - Blue Polyester
26. Peruke - Your Choice
27. Pignation - Moral Demise
28. Point of Few - Developed Research
29. Progeria - Life's Scars
30. Ruinacre - Atrophied Emotions
31. Ruination - Who's in Season?
32. The Scarlet Letter - Collateral Damage
33. Shank - Ergot
34. Spaul - Unexpected Terms
35. Totally Ridiculous - Conquer Earth
36. Tusks of Blood - Flesheater
37. The Ultimate Warriors - The Only Good Mark...
38. Uniq - Take No Notice
39. What Happens Next? - Those Who Own the Streets
40. Wilbur Cobb - N.S.T.

Like 40 punches to the face in a little under an hour.

Download: SHORT,FAST+LOUD! vol.#1 (LAME 3.98r V0) Multiupload

Download: SHORT,FAST+LOUD! vol.#1 (LAME 3.98r V0) Mediafire

Kakumei 2

Artist: Various
Title: Kakumei 2
Release: 1991
Label: MCR Company

Track List:
1. Misery - Total Destruction
2. Misery - Born, Fed... Slaughtered
3. Misery - Falling of Darkness
4. Fearless Vampire Killers - Dazzle
5. Fearless Vampire Killers - Bike
6. Fearless Vampire Killers - I'm a Believer
7. Fuck Geez - Stay Free
8. Fuck Geez - Wasted Land
9. Fuck Geez - 葛藤と矛盾
10. Spermbirds - I Might Kill You
11. Spermbirds - Hiding
12. Spermbirds - Dangers of Thinking
13. Don Don - Politics
14. Don Don - Cleopatra's Dream
15. Don Don - Love Song
16. Cox-Orange - Don't Throw Your Life Away
17. Cox-Orange - Nosy Neighbours
18. Assfort - No Reason
19. Assfort - Not Have a Leg to Stand On
20. Assfort - Keep My End Up
21. Nessun Dorma - Follow the Crowd
22. Nessun Dorma - Hardsell
23. Nessun Dorma - Meathead
24. Idora - Self Defence
25. Idora - Not Communication

Another international compilation by MCR Company. Assfort was the only band on this I'd heard of before. Misery reminds me a lot of Amebix.

Download: Kakumei 2 (LAME 3.98r V0) Multiupload

Download: Kakumei 2 (LAME 3.98r V0) Mediafire

Fiesta Comes Alive!

Artist: Various
Title: Fiesta Comes Alive!
Release: 1997
Label: Slap A Ham Records

Track List:
1. Lack of Interest - My Life
2. Lack of Interest - Social Inequality
3. Excruciating Terror - Addiction
4. Bludgeon - Kill GOD
5. Dystopia - Backstabber
6. No Comment - Dead Stare for Life
7. No Comment - Distant
8. No Comment - Lament
9. No Comment - Skin Rape (Soiled by Hate)
10. Cavity - Burning My Eyes
11. Plutocracy - Dankstahz
12. Discordance Axis - Panoptic
13. Phobia - Internal Rot
14. Agents of Satan - Castigo Del Brujo
15. The Locust - Emaciation Fuckers
16. Gob - Columbian Nectie
17. Enemy Soil - Group Think
18. Nuclear Armed Hogs - Diff'rent Strokes
19. Man Is the Bastard - Heretic's Fork
20. Man Is the Bastard - Ether Rag
21. Man Is the Bastard - Instantly Beat
22. Man Is the Bastard - Semen in the Eysocket of Thomas Lenz
23. Stapled Shut - Killer Breed
24. No Less - Balls Deep
25. His Hero Is Gone - T Minus Zero
26. Noothgrush - Gage
27. Spazz - Might for Right
28. Evolved to Obliteration - Picked a Fight
29. Crossed Out - Pure Delusion
30. Crossed Out - Practiced Hatred
31. Benümb - Beyond Fucked
32. MDC - Nazis Shouldn't Drive
33. Cattlepress - My Only Wish Is to Destroy
34. Cop Out - Untitled
35. Cop Out - Over There
36. Hellnation - Silent Bigot
37. Utter Bastard - Macho Man
38. Capitalist Casualties - Rumor Mill
39. Capitalist Casualties - Fuck the Christians
40. Capitalist Casualties - Roll Over & Play Dead

This is a collection of live recordings taken from previous Slap A Ham Records compilations. Just look at the track list, you don't need me to convince you this is worth downloading.

Download: Fiesta Comes Alive! (LAME 3.98r V0) Multiupload

Download: Fiesta Comes Alive! (LAME 3.98r V0) Mediafire

Fucking Noise Terror

Artist: Various
Title: Fucking Noise Terror
Release: 1996
Label: Sound Pollution Records

Track List:
1. Toxic Noise - Asinine Power
2. Toxic Noise - Uncertainty Life
3. Systral - Insignificant
4. Jack with Killer - Black Sheep
5. Jack with Killer - Conflicting Character
6. Jack with Killer - Wait for a Change
7. In/Humanity - Teenage Suicide... Do It
8. Hail of Rage - Unheard / In Vain
9. Hail of Rage - Cleansed
10. Wounded Knee - Usual Man
11. Genocide SS - Untitled
12. Genocide SS - Untitled
13. Genocide SS - Untitled
14. Damnable Excite Zombies - I Hate
15. Damnable Excite Zombies - Eight Roads
16. Sarcasm - Ghouls
17. Sarcasm - Sour
18. Sarcasm - Watching
19. Disassociate - Their Freedom
20. Visions - Evil Minds
21. Visions - Imperial State Terror
22. Haymarket - Police Acedemy
23. Haymarket - Slaphappy
24. Haymarket - Sucker / My Life as a Hamster / Hole Boy
25. Society Gang Rape - Terminal Abuse
26. Society Gang Rape - Drown in the Pit
27. Frequent - Chinese Fire Drill
28. Frequent - Same
29. Frequent - Fall into a Groove
30. Diskonto - Som Flugor
31. Diskonto - Ta Ert Ansvaret
32. Diskonto - Kopiöst / Hatet Gror

Pretty sweet international compilation of crusty hardcore. Put out in the States by Sound Pollution and distributed in Japan by MCR Company.

Download: Fucking Noise Terror (LAME 3.98r V0) Multiupload

Download: Fucking Noise Terror (LAME 3.98r V0) Mediafire

Kamikaze Attacked Amerika / Yankee Bombed Hiroshima, Nagasaki

Artist: Various
Title: Kamikaze Attacked Amerika / Yankee Bombed Hiroshima, Nagasaki
Release: 1996
Label: Sound Pollution Records, MCR Company

Track List:
1. Insane Youth - The World Has Reached It's Worst
2. Ottawa - Desensitized
3. Ottawa - A Million Reasons
4. Ottawa - Cycle
5. Anti Authorize - It's Time for Change
6. Final Warning - Death Sentence
7. Senseless Apocalypse - About the War
8. Senseless Apocalypse - White Hassles
9. Suppression - Machines of War / Dick Fear
10. Disclose - Burned Alive
11. Mankind - Strategic Deterence
12. Balzac - Day the Earth Caught Fire
13. Spazz - D.J. Tinkle Fingers / Diplomatic Services
14. Addiction - Survivors
15. Monster X - Battle Fatigue
16. C.F.D.L. - Let You Know
17. C.F.D.L. - Tofu Song
18. Quadiliacha - Think About It
19. Masskontroll - Winds of Genocide
20. Violent Pain - Feel for a New Age
21. Bleed for Freedom - Sukiyaki

I must say, it warms my heart a little when I think about relations between the US and Japan over the last several decades. Considering the awful shit that went down between our nations it's a wonder we don't hate each other. Whenever I see a band from Japan playing in America everyone around me is always super excited they made the trip. I imagine the feeling in Japan is very similar when our bands play over there. With broken Japanese and broken English I've had the privilege to communicate with a few dudes touring the country from Japan and have been left with the impression that their respect and excitement about our hardcore is just as great as ours for theirs.

Anyways, enough sentimental talk. This here is a compilation of Japanese and American crusty hardcore. Real great stuff. Kinda the same deal as the next post, Sound Pollution in the states and MCR Company in Japan.

Download: Kamikaze Attacked Amerika / Yankee Bombed Hiroshima, Nagasaki (LAME 3.98r V0) Multiupload

Download: Kamikaze Attacked Amerika / Yankee Bombed Hiroshima, Nagasaki (LAME 3.98r V0) Mediafire

Distortion to Hell

Artist: Various
Title: Distortion to Hell
Release: 1994
Label: Distortion Records

Track List:
1. Warcollapse - Misery & Despair
2. Warcollapse - Warcollapse
3. Dispense - Disorder
4. Dispense - Nervous Breakdown
5. Dispense - Massgenocide
6. The Perukers - Protest & Survive
7. The Perukers - Spräckta Snutskallar
8. The Perukers - Burn Out
9. Sauna - Bestiality
10. Sauna - Different
11. Sauna - M.N.C
12. Asocial - The Nightmare Arrives / Goodbye
13. Asocial - Burn Offerings
14. Asocial - Rebound Reality
15. Bombraid - Fuck Society
16. Bombraid - Brända Pengar
17. 3-Way Cum - Government Arseholes
18. 3-Way Cum - Begging for Help
19. 3-Way Cum - Kill & Infest
20. Dissober - Bödlar I Vita Rockar
21. Dissober - In the Shit
22. Dissober - Days of Pride
23. S.L.R - When the System Falls
24. S.L.R - Stimulated Agression
25. S.L.R - Crusade of the Cursed
26. Black Nation - Bomben
27. Black Nation - Ändrar Din Asikt
28. Black Nation - Vägra Blunda
29. Black Nation - Maskiner
30. Arsedestroyer - 4.25 Minuters Sodomi
31. Driller Killer - Who?
32. Driller Killer - Alcoholocaust

This is an excellent compilation of Swedish crust bands from the mid-90's. Highly recommended. I got lucky and picked this up for dirt cheap. I figured I might as well post my own rip. Expect more awesome compilations to follow.

Download: Distortion to Hell (LAME 3.98r V0) Multiupload

Download: Distortion to Hell (LAME 3.98r V0) Mediafire